MUN is Making me Crazy

April 9, 2008

Wow. I can’t wait to see more from MUN. Right now, we have a slew of Captain America noise. Charging Star is amazing. Two decks I think that are going to make massive abuse of the good Captain:

Sincere Flattery: This is a strange mix of Legend abuse, and sheer silliness. Mystique on 4, Basil Karlow on 5, and Captain America himself on 6, you have a curve of people who can equip and use the shield. By getting the shields in play, and bouncing them back into your hand every turn you find yourself in an interesting situation: Stalling half an opponent’s board every turn. The thing about The Shield I haven’t seen much talk of(some, but not as much as one would think) is that exhausting Captain America is an effect, not a cost. That means ultimate stall on init, as you swing into their lowbies, and then send the shields back to your hand to exhaust their higher ups. As with most modern stall, you have the Darkseid/Endgame finisher unless a new late game coup de grace finds its way into the scene with MUN. I’m betting it will. The tek I’m looking to add: Low drop KO/Stun tek. X-Babies rush might help by running fastball specials. For the purposes of everyone being one team, It might behoove me to run Fatal Weakness(Spider-man, New New Avengers+World’s Worstest). The real trick of the deck is keeping their numbers no greater than 4(Let them stun 1 person. I’ll give them that.). I’m going to have to work on that, but the two copy cats along with Clash of Worlds and the Shield make for some nasty, nasty tek. More to come as more MUN is unveiled.

Patriotic Youth: This one I think is going to be able to hit consistent pretty well. Using Avengers Reassembles and Mobilize, along with massive resource replacement, you cycle your whole deck for effects via Teen Titans and get to the people you need. That’s really all it is: Eat your deck until it vomits the reservist you need. Use Cap 4 Drop to divert attacks into Garfield Logan(who consistently grows larger through standard beastboy tek). Really standard decktype that’s looking like it might make a comeback with the new avengers squad hitting.

Your Mom Went to College: Simple: Barracuda on 3, Human torch on 4, crossover IG and F4, and Circe on 5. Running Agamemno to put on your deck for a 9 burn you just sit back and play defensively while you burn with Circe, and Torce every turn(should be 10+ if IG card draw is functioning like it should. Simple, Elegant, but delicate. It needs work, but Your Mom has potential, I think.

As more previews meander along I see these decks getting fleshed out more and more. I think MUN is going to be worth every hour we’ve spent dreaming about it.

Patriotic Youth

April 8, 2008

Wow. MUN previews are going down, and I’d like to point to two in particular I’m looking at with some love:

Captain America, The Patriot * Secret Avenger. This is a two drop with an ability to Rally for a character card. If the Rally works, a +1/+1 Counter goes on all characters you control. Avengers reassembled works with this pretty well because it puts an avengers character on top of your deck.

Then we Have Captain America, Champion License. He allows you to change defenders once a turn with his leader ability. In addition, when he gets clocked the rest of my characters have Invulnerability for the rest of the turn.

Now take this and mix in the shield, which I can return to my hand and exhaust the good Cap during the Combat phase to exhaust an opposing character. Stall, and strategy disruption. But who else do I know that can use counters and reservist.

Oh that’s Right! Teen Titans! To add to the mayhem, we have avengers reassembled as noted above. That searches out an Avengers character with the boost cost of discarding a card to replace a resource you control. Why is this so awesome? Spider-Man, New New Avenger is a team up from the resource row. That means you have tutors for your team up that pull double duty as character tutors. Now add Garfield Logan to the mix(Who captain America can make the target of… oh I don’t know… team attack) and you have a very interesting situation. I think TT/Avengers are going to mesh quite well. More to come when I can sit down and do a good post.